samedi 16 mai 2015

It's all up and running

Today I performed a couple of tests on the system and I can finally conclude that it all works as intended.

Our single board computer now takes care of multiplexing the data from the GPS and our instruments and broadcast that over a secured WiFi.

When connected to the network and listening to a specific port using a TCP socket I can receive all the information necessary. This allows us to wireless connect tablets, laptops, smartphones.

The application I made for my phone correctly shows me our targets as well as absolute and relative differences. The laptop will be helpful for navigation on long distance races (I kept the RS-232 connection though in order to have backup if the WiFi fails, that makes the two connection redundant)

The hot-spot also serves as a "black-box" for recording all the data. Recent python scripts where added to act as TCP client and save all data to a USB flash drive connected to the box. I plan on using that later for data analysis and performance evaluation, as well as for the videos that were described a couple of days ago.

From conception

To realization

The next updates will be done on the Android application. The plan is to create an algorithm performing sensor fusion in order to calculate a precise distance to the starting line, and estimate precisely if we're early or late to the start.

I'll also restart to work on the application used on-bord for the MAC, make sure everything works correctly and enhance the tracker to allow finding boat and plotting their trajectory in a nicer way.

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